About The Show

Welcome to the Arvind Venugopal Show !

Empathy is defined as the capacity to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference.

At a time when the world is more polarized than ever, it is important to imagine a world beyond our own lived experiences. Empathy holds the key to understand or feel what another person is experiencing from within their frame of reference. 

Through practical insights from the art and science of Empathy, each episode in the show will attempt to help get us closer to understanding our incredibly diverse world – one story at a time. 

This show is a medium for learning about Empathy through conversations.

Tune in, as I chat with people from around the world about diverse and heartfelt journeys. Each episode will also feature world music clips by creative partners at Tvameva Music.

Sign up HERE – and tune in every Friday for a new episode.